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您所在的位置:首页 欧美剧 4400第三季




类型:惊悚 悬疑 剧情 科幻



更新:2017-11-24 07:09:07

简介:The 4400 tells the stories of 4,400 alien abductees after they are returned to earth. In the words of the executive producers, these are stories of pe…
播放源 开放云
The 4400 tells the stories of 4,400 alien abductees after they are returned to earth. In the words of the executive producers, these are stories of people dealing with traumatic changes, driven by the mystery of what happened and why. Some of them have been affected in mysterious ways, and some will have certain abilities, both good and bad, so part of the drama will be watch...

  Gary终于受不了严刑供出了幕后黑手NOVA集团老大Daniel.NTAC决定抓捕Daniel,与此同时NOVA集团放出话要在10月19号采取行动.NTAC一片紧张的气氛.  Gary在转移的途中被人救走.汤姆十分气愤.找到瑞兰德理论.  

  某一天伊莎贝尔突然张大,变成一个妙龄女子.莉莉却变成了一个老妇人.在接受体验表明这与抑制剂有关.  瑞兰德因领导给4400成员注射抑制剂计划而遭受议院谴责.在听证会上NOVA集团的T.J.kim用意志控制了瑞兰德身边